I worked from home today, since we here in my Delicate Southern Climate were hobbled beneath maybe, oh, an eighth of an inch of ice on the roads, and Lord knows that’s a Sure Sign that The End Draweth Nigh. To protect our sensitive Michelins from the elements, the entire city shut down. (Before you burst out in raucous laughter, we went through this on Friday, and it was a mess. We just aren’t equipped to deal with icy roads that may occur once every five years or so. The responsible call was to avoid travel.)
So, anyway, I’m sitting in my cozy little make-shift home office (a.k.a. my warm bed, with a coffee i.v. flowing) because of Houston Snow-pocalypse-The Sequel, and it dawns on me that a brilliant assistant is on the premises. Her name is Harley, but her nickname in the business community is Helen Waite (as in, “If you need anything from me, you’ll need to go through Helen Waite”).
As is her custom, she arrived late for work:
After I got Her Royal Highness a steaming cup of joe, she commenced to peruse the day’s tasks:
That proved to be exhausting, so she took a Union Break:
Thoroughly refreshed by her break and her third cup of coffee, she dug into her work:
Alas, that didn’t last long:
After a proper scolding, she grudgingly returned to her duties:
After a full day of emails and schedules and deadlines and projects and collaborations and research and SOPs and a bunch of other business-y sounding stuff, we called it a day:
Now we’re settling down for the evening: 5:00 a.m. comes awfully early, and tomorrow’s another busy day.